1. Anyone who's coming to Croatia don't have to worry about the language. Most of the people(at least young people) speak english. Some of us speak italian and german as well.

    About the weather: IT'S HOT AS HELL!!! ..so bring your sunglasses

    It does get dark at 8 pm so it will be fantastic show with the 360 lights!

    And about this choreography: PLEASE READ THIS!!
    To all of you who are coming to the SECOND SHOW in Zagreb (10.08.2009)
    The idea is to make an irish flag with the balloons. GA, north and south tribune should bring white balloons, west tribune should have green balloons and east orange balloons. DO NOT tie the balloon, just inflate it, hold the inflating part with your fingers to keep the air inside, lift it as high as you can during the first song. At the end of it just let the balloon in the air.
    We need all of you to cooperate so we can pull this thing out.
    Thanks..and see you in Zagreb

    ..and here is the picture
  2. Hope there will be a live feed again as the one in Chorzow
  3. anything going on there by now?
  4. The time is 20.45 and it´s as dark as night
  5. will the record the dvd zagreb or wembly ?

    i am thinking wembly because the have 4 days rest until the play wembly
  6. show time
    it's gonna happen !
  7. Unfortunately not the same quality as in Chorzow, sounds terrible
  8. In for SP tonight
  9. sound is better now.

    Band's chauffeur had a car crash when he wanted to pick up the band at the airport: 2 injured.