1. Average english length is 48 characters
  2. I'm interested I could use something to do when I'm bored.
  3. Or if there's anything else that I could contribute with, I'd be interested. I'd like to do at least something for this site that's so awesome.
  4. I think its a good idea! Remy knows more about it then i do though, will tell him !
  5. Would be great I'll put you on the list, we have some other ideas that might end up first Thanks!
  6. I'm from Holland but I don't use the Dutch translation. I hate the word 'liedjes' on top of my page when we are talking about the most awesome songs ever written. My translation of 'liedjes' would be 'nice little songs' and Bono doesn't like nice songs.
  7. Nice little songs isn't that Dutch What would be a good Dutch word for songs? Nummers?

  8. I tried to think of a different translation too. "Nummers" is a lot better. "Songs" will do.

    It's a bit strange to have to talk English on a Dutch website anyways and besides, English looks a lot cooler.