1. has it leaked????
    February 17, 2009
    posted by: m2
    For the second time this month, an online music store has started prematurely selling No Line On The Horizon. This time, the Universal Music Australia store has made the entire album available as digital downloads, and fans all over the world are buying it up, putting it on file sharing sites, and sending it to friends. The album's out there now; no turning back.

    Little did anyone know that NLOTH was also available on the Napster Mobile online store. An @U2 reader found it and bought the album on February 8th; it was available all last week, and finally removed yesterday (Feb. 16).

    Everyone seems to love NLOTH. Join the discussion, or just see what they're saying in our forum. Link is below. (Note: no file sharing/trading is allowed in the forum.)

  3. yeh i red that but cant find it anywhere.
  4. Yep it's leaked, and I already got some files. I'm sure you guys can also find it somewhere.

    I have to go away all day, so no files for me
  5. I love how it leaked right after I mentioned the doomsday thing...kudos!!
  6. Originally posted by Remy:Yep it's leaked, and I already got some files. I'm sure you guys can also find it somewhere.

    I have to go away all day, so no files for me

    whered u find em, i duno how far i can go in terms of questions?

  7. This is as far as you can go Someone sent it to me through e-mail, can't forward it, no times. Will be back in 8 hours, this place will be going mad then
  8. i cant find it as yet, so hopefully someone eventually sends it to me via email, but i dunt have many contacts.
  9. Time for a new thread.