1. What can i say about this site!this is my favourite site of all time!!!! and all i can say is Thanks very much for the hard work to get all of this!!!!all i want is U2!!!!
  2. thanks for all those minutes of u2 sharing with the ones who love them!!
    its a fantastic site im glad ive found it!!!
    keep up the good work!
  3. Great
  4. Greatest fan site in the world!
  5. U R The most amazing U2 fan site in this world
  6. thanxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    for making my collection bigger and Bigger and BIgger and BIGger and BIGGer
    and BIGGEr end BIGGER !!!!!!!!
  7. I never noticed this topic...great achievement though!
  8. I discovered this site by pure accident!! but what a discovery!! I then had a bit of time off so i got to work downloading every bootleg from the tours ....such an amazing site....favourites has to be the various section..especially the rarities like the early demos...its great to be able to pick up the u2 dvds as well...my only suggestion would be a special section for the video bootlegs in the same vein as the audio ones....but for a u2 fan this place rocks!!!

  9. AMEN!!!!
  10. this is the greatest site on the net
  11. Originally posted by stefano1973What can I say if not THANK YOU for all of this.....
    This site is what thousand of us have been looking for years and now it is real...
    Thank you Remy for the idea you got, the effort you put to make and maintain this awesome site and a huge thank you to ALL the uploaders for having shared a thousand of dreams

    Wish you all and all U2 fans over here a wonderful 2007.

    Your words are my words Stefano....

    we have to thank Remy for this brilliant awesome f***ing site!!!

    Congratulations to everybody here!!
  12. well done!!!!!