1. Originally posted by shaft1102What a story sounds like a fairytale
    you lucky guy.
    had a look at the bands website nice one
    the feeling must have been indescribable.

    hey, just a side note...I AM NOT IN THAT BAND!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahaha they are not very good...just friends and when bono asked them their band name they said Bank robbers so I just said yeh friends
  2. Originally posted by germcevoyjust watched the bit during The Fly from the night before when Bono gave you guys a shout out. On a side note how awesome was '40' into Vertigo?

    it was amazing gerard...that night actually was a bit off to me. they played great but we had crap seats. We were in the upper 200's around business executives and their slutty girlfriends that new like 4 songs and the rest could care less about...its really hard to get into it when your surrounded by people like that..ya know those kinda people?
  3. Originally posted by Jcbasket[..]

    it was amazing gerard...that night actually was a bit off to me. they played great but we had crap seats. We were in the upper 200's around business executives and their slutty girlfriends that new like 4 songs and the rest could care less about...its really hard to get into it when your surrounded by people like that..ya know those kinda people?

    I get ya man. What a shame. You can't notice them on the DVD though
  4. haha i see
    onstage anyway
  5. AWESOME STORY! I'm VERY jealous! I will download that boot once I off school bc don't want the Uni to fine me for downloading music (yeah its a crap rule).

    Originally posted by Jcbasket[..]

    but we had crap seats. We were in the upper 200's

    Probably not as bad as my seats. nose bleeds 300 level. my friend olivia was front row, got the cork from the bottle of champagne Bono popped for his birthday during COBL. She actually had tickets for the night before (which she invited me to) then switched dates with a friend....which she ended up getting the winning ticket to stand inside the elipse. I knew that she had the standing room tickets outside the circle and I asked my mom if I could sell ours on eBay bc I wanted to be closer than in 300 level and she said no. I will never forgive my mom for not letting me go down there....but on the other hand she did introduce me to U2 and give me all her old concert t's.
  6. Just getting the boot now. Liking it
  7. Originally posted by Jcbasketthis was the post I wrote up when I got home after the show..enjoy

    "WOW. I played guitar tonight for "Still Haven't Found". Hands down, the greatest moment of my life. I know that a lot of people read this (I know I do), so I figured I would share my experience of how this happened. Waiting patiently with 40-50 beautiful U2 fans yesterday (May 17), Bono came out and started greeting everyone. There were 4 of us together and Bono came over toward us. I asked what the chances of them playing Still Havent Found were tonight. He said maybe. Then he proceeded toward (the drummer)who had bright pink hair. He immediatly asked if we were in a band. I am actually NOT in "The Bank Robbers", they are just my close friends. So he told Bono the name and he started talking to us for a few minutes. Sorry that I'm rambling, I am just ecstatic right now!!! So today comes around. We start waiting in the same place as we did yesterday and not even 1 minute after getting there Bono comes up to a crowd of about 10 people. (way less than yesterday) He remembers "The Bank Robbers" and tells us that he shouted us out last night during "The Fly". So I say thanks for playing Still havent found sarcastically and he says, "well do you want to play it?" And asks my other 2 friends if they play an instrument. The one guy sings for the Bank Robbers and the other plays drums. So kind-of in shock, I ask how could this happen. So he tells his bodyguard, John, to keep us 3 together. So the day goes by, and I thought about what it would be like, but I really wasn't planning on playing with them. (By the way, all the people I've met the past few days have been absolutely amazing. Some of the nicest people I've ever met, so thank you!!) So the doors open, and we run to the right of the stage (we didnt get into the ellipse), where John(Bono's security) told us to go. I see John and he says Bono will remember you guys if he sees you and he is always looking where we were. We were right on the barricade. The show starts and everything was sooooooooo much smoother and more intense than last night's show. The energy was beautiful and Bono seemed to be really feeling the show tonight. So The Fly starts and during the bridge I hear Bono shout, Bank Robbers, Bank Robbers. He still hadn't seen us yet. So during Mysterious Ways, he is walking down by us and he spots us and he gives us a little sign of acknowledgment. They proceed to play Yahweh which is usually the 2nd to last song. So, I'm thinking WOW. He shouted us out and we hung out with him. What more could you ask for?...Well right after Yahweh, Bono and Adam come down by us, shine the lights to make sure it was us and he says to come on stage. I get on and hug Bono immediatly. The other guys get on and walk with him to the stage. I started skipping behind Adam because I was so excited. Adam asked my name, so I told him Jordan. I then went over to The Edge, gave him a hug and he asked what song I wanted to play. So i told him "Still Haven't Found" like the way he played it on PopMart. So Dallas (Edge's guitar tech)hands me his guitar and I start playing the intro. It started very distortiony because the effect wasn't programmed to Still Havent Found, so I turned down the volume a little to make the sound more clean. Bono says keep going and Edge winks at me and smiles. All of a sudden Vinny was handed a tom and symbol, and Bono and Rob start singing. I wasn't even thinking about the 20,000 people watching me. All I was thinking about was, I am playing my favorite song with my favorite band. PLEASEEE DON'T MESS UPP!!!! So of course, like every musician (yess even The Edge), I messed up. Haha. But nothing big. Larry and Adam then come in like we are actually playing the song as a 7 piece band. Edge was doing backups. I started playing chords during the 2nd verse and I went to the front of the stage and started rocking out and I just saw 20,000 people singing and screaming. The end of the 2nd chorus comes and I guess Bono wanted to end the song, but I was so INTO THE MUSIC that I didn't realize so I started playing the bridge and Edge laughed and I looked at Larry and he was laughing as well. So he said to me "speed it up" so I start playing it faster and he does a drum roll and starts playing a "punk" drum beat. So I go to the mic and start singing the 3rd verse with Bono fast. It was mind-blowing. And then Rob and I sang the chorus together as everyone started cheering. I think we impressed the boys. I mean, they didn't know what we were gonna do until I just started playing Still Havent Found, and we all just went with it!!!!! Although I only had "Oh my GOD, I'm playing with U2" on my mind, I think it actually turned out really well. I know everyone thought it was actually staged. But IT WAS NOT!!!!! So I hope you enjoyed the show as much as I did for those of you who were there. I hope everyone enjoyed my experience. If ANYONE wants to talk U2 with me, my name is Jordan and my email is Jcbasket@aol.com. If anyone has any photos of tonight, please send them to me. Thank you soo much. SEE YA AT MSG!!!!!!!!!"

    You have no idea how jealous/happy I am of/for you! Just reading this story mate, it's like one of those outlandish stories that alway get made up for stories etc., but the fact it ACTUALLY HAPPENED is just unreal. I'm getting hold of the bootleg ASAP!
  8. After weeks of seeing this topic on the boards, I finally read your story. Awesome story, although I am incredibly jealous.
  9. Amazing story Jordan!!
    thanks for sharing it with us!!
    I'm so fecking jealuos!!!!
  10. i'm just a jealous guy ......
    cannot download the whole part two of this boot got every song
    but not stil haven't found it's failled is what my computer says
  11. what was so great about the whole experience was the community afterward. This was before I knew of U2 start..not sure if it even existed then..anyway....I posted that story on u2tours that very night and posted my email with every intention of talking to as many fans as I could. I didn't realize how many people would actually email me though. I must have recieved about 1,000 emails of fans telling me how happy they were for me and how I shared everyones dream and how somehow they feel apart of it. It was just really crazy. It was great being able to talk about u2 that much with so many different people from so many different countries...like i said before u2start...just a great sense of togetherness.
  12. amen