1. So was the video I linked a different proshot/date than the Freddie concert?
  2. Cindy Crawford says it is from Sacramento but that would make the dates wrong.
  3. Well, it wasn't "live" anyways so doesn't make a huge difference. It was the first live track though of ZooTV that I managed to catch on cassette (I think via the video recorder)
  4. But that's exactly what we are trying to determine.
  5. Well at least we can determine it wasn't live via satellite then :-) Now only to figure out if they played a tape from the 17th or 18th during the Freddie concert
  6. It was the Zoo era so nobody knows
  7. Wasn't hard to find, so got the answer for you, video (and broadcast) I posted is from the 17th (Sacramento). Unless he moved identically each second on both nights.. Here's fan footage of the same show:

  8. The Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame channel on Youtube have uploaded a load of stuff lately....including this

  9. When you open this thread and it's not another "best live version of..." topic.