1. So, I'm gonna start the first vine on this site. For all questions, suggestions, etc. use the following thread please: http://u2start.com/topic/2124///0/0/

    This vine consists of 8 DVDs:

    1) 04.11.1981 Berlin - Very good Pro-Shot

    2) 30.05.1983 Devore - Excellent Pro-Shot

    3) 21.11.1984 Dortmund - Excellent Pro-Shot

    4) 18.11.1987 Los Angeles - Excellent Pro-Shot

    5) 16.11.1993 Adelaide - Very good Pro-Shot

    6) 11.02.1998 Santiago de Chile - Excellent Pro-Shot

    7) 10.10.2001 South Bend - Good Pro-Shot

    8) 02.03.2006 Buenos Aires - Excellent Pro-Shot

    If you want to sign up for this vine please post in this thread with the country you live in and your e-mail address until the end of the week.
    I'll try to group you by country/region to minimize costs for everyone and I'll post a list with participants and succession.
  2. Awesome, very much looking forward to this.

    Thank you really so much for your kindness and efforts!

  3. finally up and running. good job Yeah
  4. I would love to take part in this vine!

    due to my location, I highly recommend to be last on the list, so I won't back up everyone and the cost for other users will be cheaper..but anywhere you'll put me I'm happy


    keep up the good job
  5. I'd love to join up if that's OK. I'm in the UK - here's my e-mail:


    Vines have been a big part of the online Springsteen community for ages. I've picked up loads of CDs and DVDs this way in the last year or so. Thanks for getting this started!

    btw how many discs does each show take up?
  6. Originally posted by PonchoVillaI'd love to join up if that's OK. I'm in the UK - here's my e-mail:


    Vines have been a big part of the online Springsteen community for ages. I've picked up loads of CDs and DVDs this way in the last year or so. Thanks for getting this started!

    btw how many discs does each show take up?

    they are all one each
  7. Brazil
  8. justinmdoyle@verizon.net

    thnks a lot JDoyle
  9. evan86@pipeline.com

    new york usa
  10. This is brilliant! Can't wait to be a part of this!


    Los Angeles, CA USA
  11. Count me in as well..........

    New York, USA
  12. this is a great idea..


    south carolina