1. ........Happy Birthday.........

    ::::::::::AND THANKS FOR ALL:::::::::::

  2. happy birthday ...to u !!!!! gefeliciteerd !!!!

    have a nice day

    greetingz emiel
  3. Hi Remy! Happy Birthday!
    Have a nice day and good luck with the driving license!
  4. Happy Birthday as well Remy! Hope it's a good one.
  5. Happy Birthday Remy.

    Your so much cooler now than when you started.

    So am I
  6. Happy Birthday Dude
  7. Happy fuckin' birthday man ! Sex, Drugs and Rockn'Roll !
  8. HAPPY B-DAY!!

    I really appreciate all your hard work! keep up the good work!

  9. Haaaaappy B-Daaaay !!!
  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!
    thanks for your brilliant work remy!!!! and thanks also for creating such a marvellous thing......that unites all this wonderful tribe!!!! U2 tribe!!!!
  11. Happy Birthday, Mommy's gonna pay for your crashed car (only joking - stay safe!)
  12. I had no idea it was your bday. Happy fucking birthday. I'll see if I can find some rare U2 performances. That way everyone wins.