1. been listening this boring thing and i can't stand this 2000's shit that we were having for the last 20 years, i say "no."
  2. rock album, i'm waiting for U2, maybe it could refresh the band

  3. Lol I had originally 4 written down but had a senior moment when I was about to post trying to remember the 4th songs name lol
  4. Originally posted by EdgeMedia72:[..]

    Lol I had originally 4 written down but had a senior moment when I was about to post trying to remember the 4th songs name lol
    I’m hopeful they are saving the best of the ideas for the new album.
  5. @Hoserama - THANK YOU! .........I fuckin' LOVE this!
  6. I'm just now finding out about this recording of Glorify. I like it so much that I decided to import it to the U2 Live section of my iTunes library.