1. I’ll see how I go but the temptation may get to me haha
  2. I am shocked that I haven't had to retreat here yet... Unless there's more stuff released this week, it looks like this will only be necessary after opening night.
  3. Originally posted by SlightedRadio91:I am shocked that I haven't had to retreat here yet... Unless there's more stuff released this week, it looks like this will only be necessary after opening night.
    Oh it’s likely coming sooner rather than later…
  4. Well I guess I'll just have to resist the temptation then
  5. Oh no. I liked reading all the threads without spoilerq
  6. still haven't found for sure
  7. sorry but i never said that am a leaker just sayin that
  8. i just can think about this song only cuz them played that last time, don't take me as a leaker
  9. Well, the damage is done!

    Never in a million years would I have guess that the band's ninth most played song would be in the setlist... Time to cry myself to sleep!

    My Uncle works at U2, I'll report you!!11!11!1!




    I agree, they probably will play Still Haven't Found; just based on the Vegas connection alone... Desire too... I'd like to see them play the Hollywood remix version if they do.
  10. my god desire would be soooo cool too, with those effects from the original mix