1. Guilty pleasures, shameful opinions, GOYB-affinity or just plain misconceptions in some U2-related issue that you've refused to admit until now. All of that is welcome here.

    I'll kick this off: I harshly criticise the Rose Bowl release but I haven't even watched it in full - I don't even own a physical copy I only watched the live Youtube stream 11 years ago and that's all, I base all my disdain in that (plus a couple of scarce views to specific songs on Youtube)


  2. me too don't have a physical copy I only watched the Youtube live stream !
    no one is perfect !
  3. I downloaded the Berlin show cus I don't wana spend 50 on a DVD ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿฅด๐Ÿฅด๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ™ƒ
  4. I left a U2 show early to get a bus home.
  5. I haven't listened to many of U2 albums in full, especially from the early days. There's still a lot of their discography that I've just never heard.
  6. I have cried at every U2 show I have been too......::|
  7. Until 5 years ago i had a U2 scrapbook and my mum still keeps the articles in the newspapers for me
  8. i skipped in for free on the 83 War tour show i seen in Glasgow ........
  9. Unknown Caller, Ultraviolet, Acrobat, Streets, With or Without You and Moment of Surrender.......
  10. listened Amsterdam #2 in 2009 outside the stadium
  11. Originally posted by SJKamal:I haven't listened to many of U2 albums in full, especially from the early days. There's still a lot of their discography that I've just never heard.
    This is the oddest one so far lol