1997-04-25 - Las Vegas
Gira: Popmart
Canciones tocadas: 25
Grabaciones de audio: 1
Videos: 1
  1. Only show where you can hear complete versions of Mofo, DYFL, IGWSHA and Velvet Dress, enough reason to love it.
  2. Even when he drinks water he's sexy as hell.
  3. Are the aussies gonna stay up to listen?
  4. Is it soundboard? Don’t listen to less than that
  5. Do You Feel Loved
  6. Agree about all but Mofo. They re-arranged that for the live setting somewhere near the end of the first leg, and to me that's really the version..
  7. Yes...

    There are some incredible audience recordings of shows you know...
  8. Originally posted by melon51:[..]
    Agree about all but Mofo. They re-arranged that for the live setting somewhere near the end of the first leg, and to me that's really the version..
    Yes, the later Mofo versions were better, no doubt. I was just saying that in Las Vegas Bono (at least tried) sang all verses of those songs. One show after Vegas in San Diego, he no longer sang one verse in If God Will Send His Angels and other verses were dropped in the other songs or just axed eventually.
  9. Originally posted by cesar_garza01:[..]
    Yes, the later Mofo versions were better, no doubt. I was just saying that in Las Vegas Bono (at least tried) sang all verses of those songs. One show after Vegas in San Diego, he no longer sang one verse in If God Will Send His Angels and other verses were dropped in the other songs or just axed eventually.
    Yes agree completely. I think God will send and Do you feel loved should/could(?) have surved that first 2 weeks.

    Guess Mofo is the one they really figured out in terms of arragement. Although I love Gone live, it needs the soaring whammy guitar instead of some plucked chords..
  10. First time listening to this show, and while some songs are train wrecks, the show as a whole was not a total disaster. We know they were unrehearsed, but I wonder how much of it was technical. For example, there's basically no guitar for the first two verses of Discotheque and I can't imagine Edge just forgot the chords.

    On the other hand, while I have a soft spot for live musicians screwing up songs (they're human), there was a LOT of that here.
  11. It must have been pretty shocking being there as a casual fan.