1. Ronaldo in one word: PHENOMENAL. What a player he still is. Will this be his tournament? What a game this was. One of the best of the WCup I guess. Tomorrow France. Sunday Brazil awesome.
  2. Tomorrow France ... and Argentina!
  3. Messi fails with the penalty go Iceland go!!
  4. The build up play seems far too obvious from Argentina. Obviously Messi is capable of changing a game at any moment but his job is made so much harder when it’s so blatant they are just waiting for him to get on the ball to do something with it. The other attacking players need to show more of a willingness to get involved in the game, then the gaps will start to appear for Messi.
  5. Originally posted by deanallison:The build up play seems far too obvious from Argentina. Obviously Messi is capable of changing a game at any moment but his job is made so much harder when it’s so blatant they are just waiting for him to get on the ball to do something with it. The other attacking players need to show more of a willingness to get involved in the game, then the gaps will start to appear for Messi.
    Yes, I absolutely agree with you. The game has just ended as I type. Messi has tried everything, but he alone cannot win against that immense defense of Iceland.
  6. But this game Messi really tried to do everything himself. Dribbling 2-3 players and then deciding to shoot even if a teammate had better position. It's like he thought the rest of his teammates were going to screw it.
  7. People still think Messi is better than Ronaldo?
  8. I don't want to compare them. We're lucky we had them all these years.
    They're not Zidane though.
  9. This is Messi's last shot at it, so you'd expect more. Fine player, but not sure he has the steel for this level. Di Maria is another flakey character. Iceland were immense though, fair play to them.
  10. The goalie of Iceland was in the Eurovision Song Contest in 2012 and now he stopped a penalty from Messi??? Wow!