1. Hey y'all, hope you are well.

    Just checking torrent list, wanting to download the i+e Berlin and Dublin gigs I've been to, but it seems hat Dublin 28 November 2015 is not available. Is that correct?

  2. That's correct, there's no publicly available recording available of that show yet.
  3. Ok, thanks Tim, do you know if that is for legal reasons? Or are there no recordings from that show?

    Cracker of a show by the way
  4. Just because whoever has taped it has decided to keep it private for now. It happens.
  5. Thanks, no more request, thats it. I am done here now. Sorry.
  6. It's alright. We just want to keep everything tidy in a single thread. Good luck with your search. As soon as something surfaces, we'll put it here.
  7. You can also check the torrent tab for the show in the show pages to see all relevant torrents that are hosted here or elsewhere
  8. Cheers lads
  9. Just note that we do have an audio recording for this show. Its just not available as torrent but it is on the Dublin 4 show page
  10. Just been boxing the last few i&e boots and noticed that I had no recording of Dublin 4 so I just downloaded it and put it on. I've been living in the Bruce side of my brain for the last few months so it's nice to go back to i&e

    Some great memories especially with the great folks of u2Start