1. Awesome
  2. Great! Rick and myself will also be there! We will attend Fridays show #stockholmrevenge
  3. Great Richard! See you two in two days!
  4. Hi guys, how are you all?

    I'm going to meet our beloved friend Kirsten later today. We're going to meet at the temple bar pub around 9 and then Remy will join the conversation later. So if anyone is interested in joining the party, feel free to show up. I'd be lovely to have all together
  5. Originally posted by AidanFormigoni:Hi guys, how are you all?

    I'm going to meet our beloved friend Kirsten later today. We're going to meet at the temple bar pub around 9 and then Remy will join the conversation later. So if anyone is interested in joining the party, feel free to show up. I'd be lovely to have all together
    Enjoy it. I'm not in town until tomorrow.
  6. This is very unfair