1. Originally posted by BigGiRL:The most surprising element in Boston#4 was, without much doubt, the new intermission featuring classic ZOO TV quotes like: "Everything You Know Is Wrong" & "Rock And Roll Is Entertainment." All was shown while a (new?) mix of The Fly was played over the PA.

    You can listen to the music of the intermission by searching "U2 Gavin Friday The Fly" on Youtube or looking for the track on iTunes, Spotify or the like - we can't provide a download ticket since it's an track that's been officially released!

    Sorry Joyce, I had to take down the download link just in case, it's the studio version of an official track and we don't want to get into any trouble Thanks for sharing it anyway!
  2. A Zoo TV song would be so awesome after that intermisson, Zooropa, Zoo Station, The Fly (Acrobat) would be very cool.
    I hope they will try that out, put Invisible in the encore, so there's a proper opening there.

  3. ...I'm still looking for the picture that says ABBA
  4. [nyc5]