1. go screw yourself then lol.... i love the fly..

  2. The things we learn about each other...

    I was also very surprised by this.
  3. Drowning Man. It was rehearsed last tour!

  4. Any version of The Fly will do !
  5. One step closer
  6. No Line.
    Great song ditched away too soon, which makes it severely underrated. And it worked great live, too.

    I love The Fly and Running, but compared to No Line, they've already had a great life.
  7. This is a no-brainer for me. The Fly.
  8. Running To Stand Still wins:

    Which of these rehearsed tracks from the Vancouver rehearsals would you like to hear live?

    Running To Stand Still - 24.6%
    Tryin' To Throw Your Arms Around The World - 23.7%
    The Fly - 18.8%
    No Line On The Horizon - 11.2%
    Magnificent - 10.9%
    The Ground Beneath Her Feet - 10.5%

    Votes: 2015
  9. Tryin' would work great in the e-stage with a girl doing the Meerkat thing (Bono: just make sure she's not underage )
  10. all of them accept for running to stand still lol