1. I always struggle with the early tracks.
  2. No posting answers here!
  3. Screw that if someone is in with 29
  4. All entries so far have been checked, leaderboard is in the second post
  5. think i have them all !
  6. Just done it.
    I know i have not won, but hopefully not disgraced myself either!
  7. I want to do it ..but i need time ...great work as always Tim
  8. That was fun. 6 and 27 had me stumped the most. Fingers crossed!
  9. I think I did well! My guess... at best 28, at worst 18, most likely 25
  10. Maybe not 25 correct ones.... but still! That was fun and pretty challenging. There are at least two I just completely, blindly guessed on.