1. The irony of him criticising U2 for singing I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For is immense. He's actually making a huge theological mistake. Jesus said you must take up your cross and follow him, he did not say believe in me and have all your answers presented in a nice little box. Christianity, or faith if you prefer, is about constantly searching for God and asking him into your life more and more.
  2. Or going off about the cross hanging upside down? What a petty nitpicker. So what if it hangs upside down? He's focusing on camera angles and that it became Charles Manson's theme.

    An absolute dick head if I've ever seen one and he sounds like a broken record.
  3. Originally posted by TomWillcoxChristianity, or faith if you prefer, is about constantly searching for God and asking him into your life more and more.

    You hit the nail on the head. But he doesn't realize it because he is criticizing for his own bloody good. Which is wrong, and brainwashing and giving these lost people hope, when it is a scam and you and I know it. Not right, more proof this world is stuffed and rooted to no end - no thanks to this guy.

    This is a classic case of boy cries wolf. But in this case, the wolf has joined, losing its sense of direction and smell to take the boy up on his offer - but no less, he knew much more than he does now. And with that amazingly constructed advice, I'm off to bed - 1:00am here, gotta be up nice and early tomorrow. Catch you all later.

    Should see on his website how many artists and bands he is against. Elvis and Elton John are there, for christ sake. Does he know how much joy these two legends have/are bringing to people's lives? And to criticise Ozzy Osbourne and Nine Inch Nails...what a joke. I'm tempted to send him an email to tell him what a cock he is for his beliefs. Which, I might add, are untrue.
  4. Originally posted by drewhigginsHow about some testimonies from his website?


    Oh Lord How I cried...Oh Lord How we were decieved....The father of my 22 year old son, was a devotee' to rock and Roll. He is brain damaged today like a 5 year old. DRUGS, Eastern Mystism, Hedonism, drove him too a mysteriuos motorcycle accident that left him as he is....I was the keeper of a HUGE collection of Rock& Roll, I INDOCTRINATED our son...who now SUFFERS from depression, sexual addictions, drug addictions, and instability...I WAS decieved, I spiraleddownward into occultic practices, that opened doors that ONLY JESUS CAN SHUT. I thank you for your work....I PRAY in JESUS NAME that you will be BLESSED to continue to PREVAIL. YES FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT YES! WE WILL WIN THROUGH THE BLOOD OF THE LORD JESUS!


    I am a 14-year-old girl who used to be in love with the backstreet boys, but now since all this new stuff about how a.j. is a drunkard has come out, i'm glad that this site was here to warn me. thanks goodfight!


    I am a 24 year old mother of 2 boys, ages 6 and 3. I was, in my “younger” years, really into rock music, mostly industrial-Manson, Nine Inch Nails, etc. I was raised in church. The thing that drew me to that kind of music was that it had a “feeling” to it. It felt “alive”. For the past year, I have been listening to Christian music. It was a hard thing to do at first. I told my husband that it was “missing something” and it wasn’t “alive”. Boy, was I wrong. I have been plugged into a wonderful church for the past 5 years. I learned that Christian music is wonderful. I listen to it constantly. It keeps me in a manner of worship at all times, it encourages me, and yes, it is MORE ALIVE than secular music. I was blinded by music. I knew all the words, but didn’t really put 2 and 2 together.

    I have been watching this series on the Faith Channel on Sky Angel. I was……….so disturbed and awakened by what I saw. I feel that EVERYBODY needs to see this information. I cried and prayed most of the night after I saw the one w/ the abortion at the end. I still have those awful CDs at my mom’s house. They will be destroyed. I am ashamed that I was so…blinded and bought the music. I have a dear friend of mine who still listens to that awful music and she’s against abortion. I ministered to her about what I saw. I plan on purchasing these videos so I can show her and other people. This is my new mission. People need to be made aware of this filth. I didn’t understand the music and what all it meant when I was younger. I do now. My heart goes out to the millions of people who are blinded. I will continually pray for our nation for its MANY issues. Abortion, homosexuality, demonic music, public schools, etc. Thank you SO MUCH for the eye-opener I received. Bless you!!!!!


    I thank you from the bottom of my heart. These videos have literally, blown my mind, and again literally, scared the hell out of me! Our youth group will never be the same after viewing all of the evidence. However, sadly a few will still refuse to believe, we must pray for them. I know that God is very proud of this organization, for you have truly served His will, according to His purpose, and have succeeded in doing so excellently. I have trashed all of my evil music, and replaced them with worship and praise music. What a wonderful change that has made in my life. May God bless you all, and I know that likewise, I too shall continue the good fight!!!


    What the fuck are they teaching these people? To be against all values that maybe a normal person might hold in the real world, what it actually consists of? I've been bought to the light, and changed my ways. Of believing this absolute scam and bullshit that this absolute wanker passes through.

    I read those testimonies also. Load of crap. It gives christians like me a bad name. He talks about young and impressionable christians being brainwashed by satan, as if what he's saying isn't brainwashing. HE is the one doing the brainwashing.
  5. Originally posted by ivovertigoi found a movie on the internet what was made by a american pastor Joe Schimmel. Hey says that U2 is against god and for the devil.

    I don't believe a shit of what he says.

    judge for youself here's the link



    This is a BIG bullshit...