1. 26
    Ordinary Love
  2. 1) 24
    2) Song for someone
    3) 9
  3. 1) 26
    2) song for someone
    3) 10
  4. 1. 26
    2. With or Without You
    3. 4
  5. Last minutes to vote, people! We're closing the contest in about 13 minutes!
  6. Only 3 more minutes! Hurry up, those who haven't participated yet!
  7. Aaaand we're closing participations. We're going to read your entries when the show is over and announce the winner. Good luck everyone!
  8. After a good night's sleep and fulfilling some daytime obligations, I'm back to announce what everyone is waiting for (certainly not the U2 show, right?)...
  9. This is it, ladies and gentleman, the winner of the giveaway will be revealed in a few moments...
  10. Are you ready?
  11. Im ready
  12. Good!