2015-05-18 - San Jose
Tour: Innocence and Experience tour
Songs played: 25
Audio recordings: 3
  1. Well Bono if you like people who take risks why don't you guys play something from Pop
  2. I don't know why, but this version of Sweetest thing is lovely... great pop tune
  3. Hahaha
  4. wrong lyrics again lol
  5. Can I dream that after Sweetest Thing they gonna play Running To Stand Still like Zoo TV?
  6. hahahahahahaha this is brilliant, they can't catch a break with smartphones
  7. "We're gonna Meerkat, or Facetime this..."

    That'd be something. Bono on Facetime.
  8. what the heck
  9. EBW
  10. Aw man he nearly screwed up there
  11. I guess we'll never see it full band