1. amazing work FLXone, thank you
  2. Great work everyone
  3. Great work, Joyce and Félix!
  4. Word got out and even other U2 sites come here for cover art. We're only 1 family: the U2 family. You guys are doing a great job
  5. Here's the second cover for San Jose

  6. As good as it can get Bravo!
  7. Just as a suggestion, I would only include The Hands That Built America and Mother Child Reunion as snippets, I would ignore the rest; as the tour goes by, Bono can do up to 5 snippets into Bad or Vertigo, that would be a nightmare on a cover
  8. ^ agree with Sergio, but I use just front cover, I don't burn it on cd and put in jewel case so don't need back cover even if it looks amazing
  9. ...and here's my take:

    PS: for those creating a cd "back," the Daspyknows recording does not have the intermission (as it also omits the intro )
  10. PS2: On a second thought, "Game Changer" might perhaps overstate it a little as bootleg title. Anyway, inspiration (and photo!) are - supposedly - all Noel Gallagher's...