1. Looking forward to the final covers for the end of the tour!
  2. I'm waiting for cover to the Paris 2, 3 and 4 blu ray!
  3. Wondering if a creative person out there could make a Paris cover featuring the setlists from the 3 pro shot shows on the back? would love to put all 3 shows in one case.

    Thanks in advance!

  4. Hi Friends, made it for myself and would like to share with fans who love the group as me. And thank you for everything offered to us fans who love u2 around the world.

  5. Hi Friends, made it for myself and would like to share with fans who love the group as me. And thank you for everything offered to us fans who love u2 around the world.
  6. Originally posted by AnselmoLopes:[image]
    Hi Friends, made it for myself and would like to share with fans who love the group as me. And thank you for everything offered to us fans who love u2 around the world.
    it's nice, the only thing is that is StrongER than fear haha
  7. Will FLXONE be sharing covers again?