1981-10-09 - Newcastle, England - Mayfair


Performance notes: This setlist was lost for many years. Marshall Hall, author of Ballroom Blitz: The Newcastle Mayfair Story, maintained a website with the same name (now unavailable) which included an extensive list of bands that played the Mayfair and some setlists. To our knowledge this is the only source of this setlist. It is mostly accurate to other concerts on this tour leg but includes "Fire" and "11 O'Clock Tick Tock" in the main set instead of the encore, and a second performance of "Fire" for the encore instead. If accurate this would be the only known time where the song was played twice in one set. We believe this mention of a second performance to have actually been a snippet, and we have recorded it as such.
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

songs per album

  1. Boy (8)
  2. October (6)
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1 user from Florida: ELVISCFAN

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