1981-06-08 - Geleen, Netherlands - Sportpark


Observações da performance : 'Pinkpop Festival' - Other bands include New Adventures, Fischer Z, Madness, Michael Shenker Group, The Pretenders, Ian Dury & The Blockheads
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

músicas por álbum

  1. Boy (10)

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pessoas que estiveram nesse show: 4

4 usuários de Netherlands: Corne010, funhouses, gogme, madeye

revisão por 2UToo

1 mês atrás


Since this is a show very well into the Boy Tour (actually the penultimate show) the band are very much a finely reformed machine and play their 46 minute set with precision and lots of energy to their biggest audience yet.

Bono's voice is quite shot for the entire performance and sounds weak in almost every attempted high note / belt. Interestingly enough, this doesn't seem to affect his falsetto too much as it's stable for most of the time. The Edge hits a bum note at the end of 'Another Time, Another Place'. More sloppiness follows in an otherwise energetic 'The Electric Co.'.


Apart from some easily ignorable hiss absolutely terrific quality for such an early show!
Gravação: FM Aerial Broadcast - 4.5 estrelas


Since this is radio broadcast seems to be straight from the soundboard, the audience are basically inaudible. Bono also mentions them all sitting down early into the show and since this was a festival appearance, the audience seem rather dead and not too involved with the performance unfortunately. From 'Another Time, Another Place', Bono manages to get the crowd on their feet a little.


It's actually quite tough to find highlights for this show as the band are generally solid (apart from a few slight bum notes here and there) as they usually are around this time but Bono not only sounds weak in basically all songs, he also sounds like he has a hard time connecting with the 48,000 people in the audience which makes this a show you'll quickly forget about in my opinion.

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"Pictures In Grey"

  • Origens: FM Aerial Broadcast, CD Silver
  • Créditos: Tube (Silver Manufacturer)
  • Qualidade baseada nas resenhas:
  • Downloads: 1166
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Bit depth: 16, nota da amostra: 44100, canais: 2
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FM Aerial Broadcast

  • Origens: FM Aerial Broadcast
  • Créditos: Trevor (Remasterer)
  • Equipamento: Adobe Audition (Sound Editor), CoolEdit 2000 (Sound Editor), CDWave (Sound Editor), Trader's Little Helper (Sound Editor)
  • Linhagem: FM broadcast > analog master > 1st gen TDK SA cassette > Frontier Designs Tango 24 @ 44.1Khz,24bit > Waves IDR Type 1 dithering plug-in > WAV (16 bit) > WAVpack lossless compression > WAV > Cooledit Pro v1.2 (normalization at 100% w/dither) > CDWav 1.73 (track divisions) > MKWAct 0.9 beta 1 > SHN + .skt > Trader's Little Helper 2.0.1 > WAV > Adobe Audition 3.0 + Har-Bal 2.3 (remastering) > CD Wave Editor 1.96.1 (track divisions) > Trader's Little Helper 2.0.1 > FLAC v1.2.1 encoding (level 6) > FLAC
  • Qualidade baseada nas resenhas:
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  1. 1981-06-08
  2. 1981-06-08
  3. 1981-06-08
  4. 1981-06-08
  5. 1981-06-08
  6. 1981-06-08
  7. 1981-06-08
  8. Adam performing
  9. Adam and Bono
  10. Bono playing with the microfone
  11. U2 rocking
  12. Bono and Adam