1981-02-10 - Brussels, Belgium - Beursschouwburg


Uwagi do wykonania: Setlist is incomplete. The show is recorded for the TV show Rock Follies, which broadcasts six songs on 14 February and includes a brief interview with Bono at the start.
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

utwory per album

  1. Boy (4)
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Żaden z użytkowników U2start nie był na tym koncercie.

recenzja TheOcean81

4 lata temu


This was broadcast on a television show, and the band is ready to perform. Bono is full of energy and the other members are on-point with all of the songs avaliable. There's not to much to say about the performance, other then that it's definitely up to par with what we'd expect from early U2!


This rating is for the "Boy Brussels" recording. In my opinion, it's actually better than the 2017 recording as that rebroadcast doesn't mix all of the instruments and vocals together evenly. The "Boy Brussels" sound is very enjoyable and quite clear, it's certainly better than some other Boy Tour shows. Overall, both are listenable, but I'd recommend the "Boy Brussels" recording.
Nagranie: "Boy Brussels" - 3.5 gwiazdki


The audience is certainly there and cheers quite enthusiastically after every song. Bono talks with them before almost every song. The crowd was happy to be there and they were engaged with the performance!


The highlights are Stories For Boys (outstanding performance), 11 O'Clock Tick Tock, and Another Time, Another Place. Even though the setlist is incomplete, that doesn't stop this show from being an awesome glimpse into early U2! Definitely recommend for any U2 fan!

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patou2 Czytaj dalej
TheOcean81 Czytaj dalej

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"2017 Re-broadcast on MELODY TV"

  • Pochodzenie: DVB-C Television Broadcast
  • Autorzy: Julien (Recording transferer), BigGiRL (Uploader)
  • Rodowód: [MELODY TV] > DVB-C > Freebox Revolution > TS Doctor > .ts (192kb/s @48kHz) > Adobe Audition > .wav (16/48) > fre:ac > mp3
  • Pobrania: 153
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Bit rate: 224, bit depth: 16, sample rate: 48000, kanały: 2
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"Boy Brussels"

  • Pochodzenie: FM Aerial Broadcast
  • Rodowód: RTBF broadcast > [unknown capture] > .shn > TLH > .flac [ > fre:ac > mp3]
  • Ocena na bazie wszystkich opinii:
  • Pobrania: 524
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Audio / MP3

Bit rate: 256, bit depth: 16, sample rate: 44100, kanały: 2
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Audio / FLAC

Bit depth: 16, sample rate: 44100, kanały: 2
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  1. U2 in Brussels
  2. U2 in Brussels
  3. U2 in Brussels
  4. U2 in Brussels