1980-10-16 - Groningen, Netherlands - Vera


Note dell'esibizione: Setlist is incomplete. Songs are missing from the end of the main set. It is also possible (but unlikely) that the second performance of I Will Follow was not the final song.
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

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  1. Boy (8)
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recensito da TheOcean81

4 anni fa


Most of the stars for this category come from 11 O'Clock Tick Tock. Outstanding performance, it's a shame the audio quality isn't better. The rest of the songs are good, just nothing too outstanding compared with other concerts on the tour.


The audio quality has considerable static and is in need of editing, but it's still listenable. As with most Boy Tour recordings, some songs are missing from the bootleg. It completely cuts seven of the thirteen songs, along with half of I Will Follow. It's not downright terrible, but not good either.
Registrazione: Audience microphone - 3 stelle


The audience is there, and they cheer after every song. Bono doesn't really interact with them at all in the songs that are included with this recording.

Commento generale

11 O'Clock Tick Tock of course is the best highlight, with Touch and The Black Cat as runner-ups. It's a pretty decent performance hindered by the audio recording, and stars are docked because more than half the setlist is missing and the songs that are here aren't at their absolute best.

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Audience microphone

  • Provenienza: Audience microphone
  • Qualità basata sulle recensioni:
  • Downloads: 676

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