1980-10-15 - Amsterdam, Netherlands - The Milkyway


Performance notes: U2's performance the previous night is broadcast on radio as the band travel to the venue.
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

песен из альбомов

  1. Boy (8)
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зрители: 2

2 пользователей из Netherlands: 1970eagles, Corne010

отзыв пользователя TheOcean81

4 лет назад


The band seemed to not be as into it at the beginning of the show, but they really picked up the slack towards the end. The Electric Co. by far is the best performance here, and the last six songs or so were quite enjoyable to listen to.


The audio quality starts off pretty rough with static and the ususal muffling problems, but towards the end of the show it actually gets much better. It's by no means perfect, but the last five songs or so (with the exception of the second 11 O'Clock Tick Tock which gets cut off) were a lot better than I was expecting.
Аудиозапись: "Unknown Analogue Generation" - 3.5 звезды


The audience could definitely have been way more into it, you can actually here them chattering during Into the Heart. They do clap after most of the songs and cheer for more after Boy-Girl, but they aren't really too enthused at the start of the show.

В целом

The best highlight by far is The Electric Co., followed up by Stories For Boys and Things To Make And Do. The band and the crowd were just average for the first seven songs, but the band especially really got into the show torwards the end. If you're going to listen, start at Twilight or The Electric Co.

все отзывы

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patou2 Показать полностью
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TheOcean81 Показать полностью

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"Unknown Analogue Generation"

  • Источник: Audience microphone
  • Происхождение: [UAG] > CD From Trade (mislabled as "Sheffield, Limit Club") > Free Audio Rip > .flac > mp3@256kb/s
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  • Скачиваний : 130
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"Live From Amsterdam 15.10.1980"

  • Источник: Audience microphone
  • Происхождение: Unknown Gen > CD-R
  • Качество:
  • Скачиваний : 695

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битрейт: 128, квантовая глубина: 16, частота: 44100, каналов: 2
Скачать с Mega.co.nz
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