1980-09-07 - London, England - Lyceum Ballroom


Notas de la actuación: Tickets for entry cost £3. U2 are billed as "U.2." and receive a lacklustre response from the crowd despite the band's - especially Bono's - efforts to gain their attention and generate enthusiasm. The most extreme example of this is when Bono leaps off a PA stack during The Electric Co., rips his pants wide open, and yells at the crowd "I'm wearing these for you! I'm wearing these for you!" U2's set was filmed to position cameras for headliner Echo & The Bunnymen, who were being recorded for the film Urgh! A Music War.
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

canciones por album

  1. Boy (7)

mejores versiones de la canción

  1. The Electric Co. (3 votos)
  2. An Cat Dubh (3 votos)

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reseña por TheOcean81

4 años atrás


Early U2 sounds good at this concert, however it's hindered by the poor audio quality. Bono gives a great speech about the origins of The Black Cat. The Electric Co. sounds slightly different than in the studio too.


The recording is considerably muffled and needs some pitch correction, but considering it's age it's still listenable. There are much better quality recordings from the Boy Tour elsewhere though.
Grabación: Audience microphone - 2.5 estrellas


The audience cheers before and after each song, but that's about it. Bono only interacts with them before and after some songs.


The highlights are An Cat Dubh, The Electric Co., Stories For Boys, and the second 11 O'Clock Tick Tock. Band is enthusiastic but again the audio quality keeps this from getting a better rating.

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  • Orígenes: Audience microphone
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  • Descargas: 1225

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Audience microphone

  • Orígenes: Audience microphone
  • Calidad basada en reseñas:

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  1. The Edge
  2. Bono singing
  3. Bono singing
  4. Bono singing
  5. U2 in London
  6. Bono and the crowd
  7. Bono singing
  8. Bono singing
  9. Bono singing