Quiz: Innocence and Experience tour 2015

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about this quiz

How much do you know about the Innocence and Experience shows from 2015? Test your knowledge with this quiz taking you through many of the highlights of that year.

347 fans have completed this quiz so far.

  • Quiz level: Intermediate
  • Quiz ends on 2016-10-01.

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Ordered by highest number of correctly answered questions and fastest time to complete the quiz.

  1. 1. LikeASong (8 in 00m:56s)
  2. 2. WTSHNN (8 in 01m:08s)
  3. 3. IwillFOLLOW (8 in 01m:27s)
  4. 4. Federico_Toni (8 in 01m:30s)
  5. 5. ASortOfDesire (7 in 01m:01s)
  6. 6. Welsh_Edge (7 in 01m:04s)
  7. 7. JereVenencia (7 in 01m:07s)
  8. 8. wowow (7 in 01m:24s)
  9. 9. lucas_ramos1000 (7 in 01m:31s)
  10. 10. Hans23 (7 in 01m:51s)