maschio, 35
Vive in:
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Pilot, photographer, dreamer.
U2 and music in general, aviation, sports, photography, travelling, people...
Messaggi nei forum:
17 anni fa
15 concerti durante 4 tours
record personali

tour preferito: Joshua Tree Tour 2017
"To be able to see the boys playing my favorite album after 30 years and with such a relevant context was amazing. And that screen..."
show preferiti: 2011-04-10 - Sao Paulo
"Great setlist, great atmosphere, great performance! Plus my brother carried me on his shoulders during Streets and since them I consider this the best moment of my life!"
album preferito: The Joshua Tree
"Some of my favorite U2 songs come from this incredible masterpiece that remains relevant and modern till today. "
canzone preferita: Where The Streets Have No Name
"Such an uplifting and powerful song! It makes me feel like I'm the happiest guy on Earth every single time I listen to it!"

Informazioni su AidanFormigoni
Just a happy guy who wants to fly higher while listening to our boys ;)
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intervista fan del mese
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