1992-06-11 - Stockholm
Trasa: ZOO TV
Wykonane utwory: 23
Nagrania audio: 7
Filmy: 1
  1. Haha, this wasn’t part of the plan that’s for sure. We’re sorry for any confusion!

  2. indeed, worth repeating. Looks like there is some need for these kind of things, certainly these days. And there are so many great recordings that deserve to get a setlist party!
  3. Yeah I wasn’t able to catch it because I was out after I thought I was postponed surely I’ll catch the next one!
  4. Originally posted by guykirk9:[..]
    Yeah I wasn’t able to catch it because I was out after I thought I was postponed surely I’ll catch the next one!
    You were out? You are supposed to be in!
  5. We'll do it again in 2 weeks
  6. It baffles me that there's no bootleg of this show entitled "I Love U2, Babe". Yes, it's cheesy, but I think of it every time I listen to this show.