2018-11-05 - Dublin
Тур: Experience and Innocence tour
Песен исполнено: 24
аудиозаписи: 1

  1. The Experience and Innocence tour will hit Dublin, Ireland.
    This topic is for all discussions pre, during and post-show!

    2018-11-05 - Dublin, Ireland - 3Arena
    2018-11-06 - Dublin, Ireland - 3Arena
    2018-11-09 - Dublin, Ireland - 3Arena
    2018-11-10 - Dublin, Ireland - 3Arena

    Will you be at any of the E+I shows? Click on the date, and then add yourself to the list of attendees.

    Coverage from U2start
    We will be there as well represented by some crew members, and we'll provide you extensive coverage via Twitter and Instagram mainly, with some bigger updates through our Facebook. Make sure to follow us where you can

    Other relevant topics
    We have a topic dedicated to the tour in general, with spoilers.
    And a general tour topic, spoiler free.
  2. Dub 3 & 4 !!! Counting the days. These will be HUGE!
  3. Going to Dublin 4! Still haven't received my seated tickets yet though... anyone else?
  4. GA tickets still there for Dublin1. Wish I could go. Used all my holiday for other shows
  5. Not showing up anymore
    Also, 3Arena has a strange configuration for this show.
  6. Dublin 2 single GA drops today. This week would be a good week to refresh ticketmaster.ie if you need Dublin tix.
  7. I’m flying in on the day of Dublin 3... wish me luck
  8. Originally posted by Remy:Dublin 2 single GA drops today. This week would be a good week to refresh ticketmaster.ie if you need Dublin tix.
    There was a minute ago GA tickets for Dublin 1.
  9. have just two more GA tickets for Dublin 2 and now swop for Dublin 4 anyone...
  10. They have been releasing GA tickets every day for the last week in small batches every few hours.
    Its very strange.
  11. Originally posted by Fano:[..]
    They have been releasing GA tickets every day for the last week in small batches every few hours.
    Its very strange.
    These are refunded tickets. People who cannot go can't sell them the normal way as its creditcard entry so they have Ticketmaster refund them.