1987-07-25 - Cardiff, Wales - Arms Park

şarkı listesi

Performance notes: After a fan organises a petition with more than 10,000 signatures requesting U2 to play Wales, this concert is booked. It is only the second rock concert at Cardiff Arms Park (David Bowie was first in June 1987). Bono explains that the show is particularly special for The Edge, who is of Welsh heritage. He says that Edge's father would say "one day my boy will play Cardiff Arms Park", but meant rugby, not music. So Edge is given a rugby ball and he kicks it well into the crowd.
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

Hangi albümden kaç şarkı

  1. The Joshua Tree (7)
  2. The Unforgettable Fire (4)
  3. War (3)
  4. Boy (2)
  5. October (1)

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katılanları göster: 35

United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom dan/den 32 kullanıcı:
Andyok, Ant, CHINNERS, ELIZIUM, Guto, JULES23, Marco40, MarkPeterborough, U287, YorkshireF, aco67, adet, ajr, alanofjones, basil123, dewirhyslewis, jamesed68, mk1985, mrawlings3, mrcorbs, onebadboy, paulw77, pnalyd, samrayne, shappers72, sheshat, sparkmeister, swardle, u2lemonman, veggie, wack145, yoda7

Texas den/dan 1: DSS_Texas
United Arab Emirates den/dan 1: iambic
Malaysia den/dan 1: Ning

yorumu yapan cesar_garza01

9 yıl önce


Bu bölüm sadece değerlendirilmiştir, yorumlanmamıştır


Between 3 and 3.5 stars, but very listenable.
Kayıt: "Edge Plays Rugby Football" - 3.5 yıldız


Really great, but the recording does not do them justice. Nice interaction in Party Girl.


A very good show with nice surprises. Edge returns to Wales and he receives an ovation after I Will Follow. Highlights: TUF, Exit, In God's Country: The band did a reprise of the final solo, which was cool. In Sunday Bloody Sunday, instead of the usual repeated last chorus, Bono only sang the last words with Edge on guitar, also a nice touch. Springhill Mining Disaster (Bono again kisses the crowd's ass by saying that they "never performed it outside" --yeah, right). New Year's Day: The "maybe the time is right" part makes a comeback! At the end of Pride, Bono does an unlisted snippet of All You Need Is Love. WOWY was very special. Bono's voice was not the best, but he extended the Shine Like Stars snippet, improvising a lot. It was very cool.

tüm yorumlar

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patou2 Devamını oku
cesar_garza01 Devamını oku

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"Edge Plays Rugby Football"

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  • Değerlendirmelere göre kalite:
  • İndirilenler: 356

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