2001-08-06 - Antwerp, Belgium - Sportpaleis


Uwagi do wykonania: Before One, U2 debut a new song that is still unreleased and known by the "fan working title" of We Love You (or I Love You). It had recently been soundchecked, such as in Zurich, and was played in honour of The Edge, whose 40th birthday was two days away. The band's original setlist had Party Girl listed before The Ground Beneath Her Feet but it was not played.
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

utwory per album

  1. All That You Can't Leave Behind (7)
  2. Achtung Baby (3)
  3. The Joshua Tree (3)
  4. Pop (2)
  5. Boy (1)
  6. War (1)
  7. Rattle and Hum (1)
  8. The Unforgettable Fire (1)

Chcielibyśmy wiedzieć, na jakich koncertach byłeś/aś i na jakie zamierzasz pójść. Na tej stronie możesz zobaczyć, kto z użytkowników był lub zamierza być na tym koncercie. Możesz wysłać niektórym z nich prywatną wiadomość, aby się spotkać lub porozmawiać o koncercie.

Uczestnicy koncertu: 52

28 użytkownicy z Belgium:
4everU2, Cozy, GJD179, Guntherbel, Hoppytje, KTM3, Neonlights, PatrickSilviaSanne, Schouf, Thandor, TheWatchman, Tommop, bdegroev, blvda, bolleken, chocobono, ditch691125, exit17, geoff1805, gilouu2, igreg, kickthedarkness, koning_albert, krisu2, momotte, nicocoppens, stevie, yauckt

16 z Netherlands:
Acrobad, Edwin_B, Gringo, Huts, Stephan61, TheUglyOne, U2123, Verhoger, Vertigo_05, edwinlammers, edwinlammers74, mhooft, naffing, phofstee, ver2go, vlietp

2 z United Kingdom: jamesed68, zaqarya
1 z United Arab Emirates: iambic
1 z Japan: nonewyork
1 z Norway: aresorum
1 z Germany: WilliamBlake4U2
1 z France: discohype

recenzja CMIPalaeo

9 lata temu


Good performance, not stellar. Bono's voice wasn't great.


I've heard better. The music was pretty clear but the vocals weren't quite as good.
Nagranie: Audience microphone - 3 gwiazdki


The audience were pretty enthusiastic. Muffled audience noise is sometimes too loud for the show to heard well.


A good show, and although all songs are played quite well, few if any of them really shine. Worth getting for the rather odd setlist and 'We Love You' which is apparently a new song.
-Bullet the Blue Sky
-Discothèque (unusual sound, Bono was playing around with the lyric)
-All I Want Is You
-Walk On
-The extended outro on Mysterious Ways

wszystkie recenzje

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CMIPalaeo Czytaj dalej

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