1993-05-11 - Rotterdam, Netherlands - Feyenoord Stadium


Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

utwory per album

  1. Achtung Baby (9)
  2. The Joshua Tree (5)
  3. Rattle and Hum (2)
  4. The Unforgettable Fire (2)
  5. War (1)

najlepsze wykonania piosenek

  1. I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For (5 głosy)
  2. The Fly (3 głosy)

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Uczestnicy koncertu: 61

53 użytkownicy z Netherlands:
BATFINK, Backdraft, Bonovoxke, Draude, Edwin_B, FromU22U, Gringo, Han1974, JeroenAFCA, LeviTicus, MPDZU274, Maarten909, Malahide, MartinRomeling, MooieMario, PieterR7, Soundwall, Stephan61, Summeroflove, U2123, backcorner, cjkos, edbale1969, edbale69, enak12, gamecalledlife, geoffrey70, gewoontoon, gogme, innocentbystander98, jeroenpolman, marco1971, marcusje, marerm, mari, marsie, mofoganda, mvdb, phofstee, pierrecas, r0b0n0, revo11, richard1964, robbarb, robbertvadv, ronsanjoy, rubenennoa, skidevil, tk627, u2joost, ver2go, wtonis, yout0078

3 z Germany: Belgomofo, LiamVox, WilliamBlake4U2
1 z United Arab Emirates: iambic
1 z United Kingdom: OptimaX
1 z Belgium: PatrickSilviaSanne
1 z California: anstratdubh1979

recenzja cesar_garza01

9 lata temu


Special night in Rotterdam. They were in a great mood, lots of amazing improvisation by Bono, only he can turn a mistake into a highlight. We can hear more Larry, which was awesome.


Solid 4 stars. In general, the sound is pretty good, (except in Pride, where it is terrible) but I heard a lot of hissing and some strange noises (like someone dropped a mic) in some songs (before the MacPhisto set).
Nagranie: Audience microphone - 4 gwiazdki


I know how awesome dutch audiences can be, but unfortunately, this bootleg doesn't do proper justice to them. You can hear them and their "oleees" in the distance.


Very special concert because Bono screws up a lot but also makes it up by improvising, giving the songs something unique. Shame this bootleg didn't have more audience.
-- The Fly: Bono screws up the "Achtung y'all" part but in return, he improvises a rap and it's quite good!
-- Mysterious Ways. Very good intro by Bono
-- One of the best UTEOTW, Bono shouting "is this f***ing rock'n'roll?"
-- TTYAATW. The girl with Bono sings (badly) a few lines and Bono teases her a bit by singing "everything alright... a little off-key tonight", lol.
-- Angel Of Harlem. More improvised lyrics by the B. man.
-- Slow Dancing. I just love this song Sadly, it's a very short version.
-- ISHFWILF. This is the gem of the night. Acoustic, with a whole different verse in the middle, Bono sings the same line twice, it's almost like a new song!
-- BTBS. Again, Bono screws up a line but then he immediately improvises some weird lyrics with Alfred Hitchcock in them! Brilliant. He should have written 2 or 3 songs that day after this concert!
-- The MacPhisto speeches are always a treat. Bono was still figuring out his accent, so it sounds strange here. The first lines of UV were sung in that weird pitch.

recenzje uczestników koncertu

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patou2 Czytaj dalej
cesar_garza01 Czytaj dalej
fleavox Czytaj dalej
CMIPalaeo Czytaj dalej
Bullet_Blue Czytaj dalej
Pipo Czytaj dalej

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Audience microphone

  • Pochodzenie: Audience microphone
  • Ocena na bazie wszystkich opinii:
  • Pobrania: 1044

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