Bono and crowd in Sydney

Show: 2006-11-11 - Sydney
Photo set:U2 in Sydney by Luke Buckle
Description: 2006-11-11 in Sydney.
Band members:
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Views: 9227
Average fan rating: 2 votes
U2 era: Vertigo (2004-2006)
Uploaded by: Remy
Image size: 1024 x 683 pixels
Filesize: 715.29 kb
Camera model: Canon Canon EOS 350D DIGITAL


  1. Remy rated

    No one took credit, there is no author known for this photo. I am merely listed as uploader. Now fixed!

  2. buckleup rated

    I took this photo. Nice of you to take credit for it for 9 years, bozo.

rate this photo


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